"Human beings never think for themselves, they find it too uncomfortable. For the most part, members of our species simply repeat what they are told--and become upset if they are exposed to any different view. The characteristic human trait is not awareness but conformity...Other animals fight for territory or food; but, uniquely in the animal kingdom, human beings fight for their 'beliefs'...The reason is that beliefs guide behavior, which has evolutionary importance among human beings. But at a time when our behavior may well lead us to extinction, I see no reason to assume we have any awareness at all. We are stubborn, self-destructive conformists. Any other view of our species is just a self-congratulatory delusion." - Michael Crichton, The Lost World

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Futures Trading

Trading the commodities and futures markets: A survival game

Everyone who plays with the idea to speculate with commodities or futures, should step back now, take a deep breather and reevaluate this plan. These markets are a game of professionals - and I am inclined to add here - for the likes of them. Numerous studies have shown, that for most private traders (more than 90%) this is a losing game. Being a classic zero sum game overall, there must be someone who wins, and that someone is a minority of professionals.

The slippery churning of brokers, dealers and floor traders

Fees and spreads have to be paid in all financial markets to buy or sell something, but open outcry markets have a tendency to make prices run away in the wrong direction for orders from outsiders that seek to be filled. It remains an unanswered question whether the pure specialist system of listed stocks like the old NYSE, the competing market maker system of NASDAQ, either one combined with a competing electronic order book or the open outcry market is the fairest market. Pit traders like to accuse specialists of having too much power to manipulate their prices. They conceal that specialists have the obligation to make an orderly market with guarantees for reasonable fills. Taking into account that open outcry traders tend to behave coherently, there is no big difference to the specialist's power. Both, but even more the pit traders, resist to compete against a computerized market like an ECN or outright refuse to trade off-floor through a computer system, which would put them on par with other market participants.

Contrarian trading - the advantage of the producer

Price movements especially of futures markets are noisy. There are random fluctuations and self-induced starts or breakouts, which later prove to be non-substantial. This is the fundament for an anti cyclical trading strategy - buy low and sell high, or the other way round. As studies have shown, hedgers, companies or entities which sell what they produce or buy what they need for producing, are the big winners of the commodities and more general the futures markets. They often have a better insider knowledge about what is going on in their market than anyone else. Adding to that, they have the advantage that they are hedging - they actually only need to conduct one side of the trade, either they buy or they sell. This gives them the ability to calculate their trade in the light of their main business, which essentially caps their risk. Also, being better capitalized, they can afford to be longer term oriented.

For the private trader or speculator the contrarian system could prove disastrous. What if the price move turns out to be substantial and results in a trend or at least a new level of price? Combine the counter cyclical market entry with a stop loss? This would be a self contradicting system. A trading strategy which is incoherent is most likely invalid as a system. Having no stop loss is of course even worse. That's how amateurs go broke even in the stock market, which lacks (short or margin operations aside) the infinite risk practically created by leverage in the futures market.

Sometimes producers choose to go with what they see as an emerging trend or what they anticipate to become an enduring new supply and demand situation, so of course they are not bound to the countertrend method, but the long term contrarian trading strategy is only appropriate for them. To emphasize it again, as studies show, they are the big winners.

Following the trend - holy grail or well known secret of trading futures?

The third group of winners in the futures markets are so called commodity trade advisors (CTA), hedge fund managers and some well capitalized and experienced individual speculators. They are primary - as long as they make money - procyclical. They try to buy high and sell higher or vice versa. Is it this easy? No, even the most successful traders of this group suffer severe setbacks, they just won't tell it you. However, they have some advantages over the ordinary speculator. They are bigger in size, they use sophisticated statistical methods to create mechanical trading systems that actually do make money, they know about the importance of good money management and they are generally more experienced.

Creating breakouts of ranges or starts and turns of a trend

The naive way to start trading trends might go like this: Take a chart book, spot some trends and get the impression, that one just had to enter the market here and leave it there to become rich. Well, that's hindsight! To get early on a trend and to ride it as long as possible is easy in hindsight, but hard in reality. First, you have to enter a trend. You are looking for a starting point. That's where the malaise begins. There are strong market players, who produce breakouts of ranges, restarts and turns of trends, because they know many will stumble after them in expectation of a new forming or ongoing trend. If the "trend" turns out to be short lived, they can get out with a profit, because they entered the market at the best levels. Guess what, who pays the bill? Mostly the small private trader, but often enough the professional trend followers, too. That's why the rate of failure among them is much higher than these professionals are ready to admit. Who plays this pattern of buying low, pushing the price through a resistance or turning a trend around in order to hopefully initiating the next round of directional movement? Probably both - producers and trend followers, they just have to have enough capital. The futures markets are exceptionally prone to false breakouts and trends have wilder swings, tempting speculators to leave early or enter late - possibly with a loss. Just have a look at charts, and compare them with the stock market. But be cautious, this is easier said than done - the human mind is a pattern recognizing machine - it will always find the patterns it is looking for.

Using statistics to develop a mechanical trading system

One way to circumvent this problem of an optimistic mind finding occasions not only occasionally is to compile a trading system into an algorithm, which is then followed by a computer without being distorted by sentiments and psychological effects and without making mistakes by lacking discipline. But first one has to identify an edge, which is statistical sound. This means that you can use statistics to crystallize a system, which - so to speak metaphorically - meanders around all pitfalls, all the edges winning players have. Of course there is not much space for winners left, and that's why even professional system traders often lose, too.

The typical private trader has really a disadvantage in this area, he is just not sophisticated enough. He might buy complete systems or programs, which can evaluate trading systems, test them and optimize them, but mostly he is not aware of the mathematics, which are behind all this. Over-optimization or curve fitting is one cardinal sin, second guessing of trading signals another one. The typical trader tends to mix up signals of his system with discretionary decisions or tries to change the system every next time. Emotions have discipline in headlock and chaotic behavior is the result - the opposite of a trading system.

Summary of a zero sum game

Brokers charge a fee and have a riskless income. Floor traders slip away and cut out small but constant gains. Producers milk the markets big with contrarian trading. Deep pockets initiate false movements and let others stumble into their losses. The only chance are trends, but they are rare, and they are carved out by statistically sophisticated system traders or producers with better fundamental foresight. The private trader has to make the sum of the zero sum game become zero. He is there to feed the sharks.

Making things worse: Bad money management

An additional reason why so many novices are losing in this game is the lack of proper money management. To put it simple, they are overtrading. Newcomers intuitively often misinterpret the margin they have to pay as their bet size, and that's why they are overtrading grossly. Usually they are out of the game very soon. But even making bet sizes only slightly too big will make your losses overcompensating your gains on average and your capital will decline over time. This holds true even if you have an edge. Bad money management destroys your advantage - if you have one at all. The reason is mathematics. To make a simple example assume that you have no edge, but put on trades with a very big bet size. A typical gain of 50% of your capital has statistically the same probability as a typical loss of 50%. But to recoup the loss you must win 100%! Even optimistic advantages will get converted into their negative counterpart by what I call the relative-absolute effect.

Source: www.visoracle.com

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