Marketing Hype to Avoid
- If a firm declares longer term secrets to shorter term trading...
- If a firm calls a system just a small, no-risk investment...
- If a firm refers to you as friend...
- If a firm promotes secrets to S&P daytrading...
- If a firm declares that an offer may disappear at any moment!...
- If a firm describes everything as simple...
- If a firm refers to a trading method as most valuable ever...
- If a firm refers to anything as secret...
- If a firm tells you to act quickly...
- If a firm says an offer may evaporate at any moment...
- If a firm tells you to please send your order now...
- If a firm calls the trading approach 'exciting'...
- If a firm talks about day trading gold...
- If a firm talks about buy and sell signals primarily...
- If a firm boasts about new break throughs...
- If a firm says something is limited to only a finite number of people...
- If a firm states it can precisely time the market's next swing...
- If a firm touts the secret of exiting the market with profit every time
- If a firm declares it can pinpoint market turns...
- If a firm raves about the secrets of seasonal influences...
- If a firm talks about the opportunity of a lifetime...
- If a firm says you must buy low and sell high...
- If a firm states that the markets repeat directly or inversely relative to the total interaction of the sun, moon and earth...
Read Bestselling Book Trend Following and visit the Trend Following Blog at Michael Covel
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